ePig Rope XL

4.3 ( 3153 ratings )
Hry Zábava Zdraví a fitness Sports
Vývojář: ePig Games Spa
0.99 USD

Check Put ePig Dive Treasure Hunter, our BEST ePig Game.

ePig Rope, all version has more than 50.000 Downloads!

WARNING: You will really LOVE Eddie and all his games!
66% Off! Now XL!

Birds Hate Pigs! We all know that! They are Angry, Be careful of Parrots an Eagle!


Join an exciting and ePic journey!

From ePig Games! ePig Rope XL! A New Concept In Games! A Original Rope Game!

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPUt7wXwUek

This is the second epig Game! (Search for epig)

Action, Adventure and SPEED!
A very Adrenaline and addictive game!
This game is very EXTREME.

Help Eddie To Explore the Jungle! But Beware of Monsters and Spikes! You Will have to use your rope to go throw the jungle.

Use your ePiC Skills to beat the Angry Eagle on the Final Level!

You Will Feel like a Ninja! Ninja`s Like to use Ropes.

So.. Unlock Red and Black Ninja and Beat the Evil Eagle in This EPIC Challenge.

Discover the Secret Level! Is a Hard One!

Learn to Play while you progress in the Game!

Also check iPhone and iPod touch version.

Custom Made and AWESOME graphics.
Custom Made and AWESOME music.
Your Loved Character! eddie!
Unlock Characters.
Secret Levels.
Save your progress.
15 Levels, in Difficulty Order, from Easier to Harder.
First Levels, are tutorial.
Compete with your friends for High Score!

Join an exciting and ePic journey!

Visit http://www.epiggames.com for more ScreenShots and information.

WARNING: You will really LOVE Eddie and all his games!